Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Embarking on my journey into IS 101: A Tale with Professor Wu

It was a typical winter day on December 19th, marked by the familiar routine of waking up late during winter break. The day unfolded lazily, with hours spent in my room watching TV until dinner. Amid the routine, a ding from my laptop signaled an email from Professor Wu, introducing himself and notifying me of a class time change from 9 am to 8 am. Intrigued and with questions in mind, I promptly reached out to him.

What followed was a Webex meeting where Professor Wu, in a friendly manner, not only addressed my concerns but also guided me through the LabSim purchasing and account setup. The subsequent exchange of emails became a regular occurrence, creating a channel for updates, questions, and concerns.

As the semester approached, course work for IS 101 started pouring in a week before. Professor Wu sent assignments, including B1, A1, and A2, within a short span. The initial workload felt overwhelming, especially when confronted with the LabSim. However, with diligent effort and guidance from Professor Wu, I delved into the coursework, overcoming challenges and seeking help when needed.

Prior to the semester's commencement, my impression of the class leaned towards being labor-intensive. Yet, the consistent communication and support from Professor Wu instilled confidence that, with effective time management, I could navigate through it successfully.


  1. What a wonderful recounting of the beginning of your IS101 journey :-)

    Thank you for sharing that I instilled confidence in you ^_^

    Yes Madi, consistent communication and effective time management will ensure your hard work will lead to success in IS101-3002, Spring 2024 -- and anywhere and anything else you put your mind and energy into!

  2. I love this post! I can picture very clearly how you went from lounging and enjoying your break to reality setting in and finding out how much work we were being asked to do. Maybe, it wasn't so much the work load but the deadlines that were causing a bit of panic. I am very excited for this class as well, I felt like i was falling behind a little in the digital age but now i feel a lot more confident that i will learn new skills. I'm looking forward to hearing about your journey as well!

  3. I completey understand that feeling of being overwhelmed! I could not access Canvas until the Friday before our first IS101 class, and to my surprise when I finally gained access, there was a full workload to catch up on. Although most of my tasks were late the first week, I completed them (at work thankfully) and started to feel the pressure and stress lighten up.

    Out of my 4 classes I am taking right now every week, IS101 is definitely the most time consuming and "new" to me. All my other classes seem easier because of my experience with the course work. However, although I have been using a computer most of my adult working life and know many of the things we have learned, there are so many that I did not know and that is a little daunting to me at first.

    Good luck with your IS101 coursework Madi!

    1. Hi Michael, it's reassuring to know you can empathize with my situation. It's unfortunate that your experience with Canvas had some hiccups, but I'm relieved it worked out just in time. Hopefully, you managed to catch up and are currently staying on track. I completely understand the challenges of learning new things in this class; it's been an eye-opener for me too. On the flip side, I share your sentiment about other classes being relatively easier, with the exception of financial accounting on my end – that one is indeed a tough nut to crack.

  4. I also had a very similar experience with Professor Wu! Thankfully I had the Outlook app on my phone, and I just so happened to check my email in case of anything. And just like you, I went through the process of setting up LabSim and the first Canvas assignments. Looking forward to working with you!

  5. I share your feelings on the past week as being a baptism of fire getting set up for IS101: LabSim, email rules, setting up our blog and OneDrive etc. I'm glad to be done and look forward to working with you as we learn new skills in IS101.

  6. College can definitely be overwhelming to start. There is a lot to get used over these first few weeks. Good luck on your work!

  7. I agree about the class being labor-intensive. I can see it being a challenge for people who aren't as tech savvy.

  8. I am on the same ship as you; I saw your comment on my post and am glad I'm not the only one thinking like this. Much appreciated, and much luck in this class!

    1. Hey Jonathan, I am glad you saw my comment on your post you are indeed not the only one feeling that way. Best of luck in class too.

  9. Very well put when It comes to the topic of doing the class assignments being "labor-intensive". When I look at my assignments for this class, I'm glad they are at least in chapters so I can take a look at them in an organized matter and go back as needed with Prof. Wu's help.

  10. I really love this post and they way you express everything here. Good luck with your journey.

    1. Thank you Sathya! Good luck with your journey as well.

  11. While reading your blog post I was able to connect with your same feeling greatly. I was late applying for the class so it was a big wakeup call when I saw everything that needed to be completed right away. However like you stated, Professor Wu also showed me that he supported me through the start to make sure I complete everything.

  12. Madison, Your "Tale with Professor Wu" is so, impressive. It looks like this is not your first blog. Its really great to see a your narration in this blog. Wishing to see such great narrations in future.

  13. Absolutely, diving into new classes can feel like a whirlwind at first, especially with schedule changes and a hefty workload. It sounds like Professor Wu really helped make that transition smoother for you. Good luck with your course!

  14. Hi Madi, I completely relate to feeling overwhelmed by the workload, especially with all the LabSims and assignments piling up. But as the weeks went by, I'm grateful I decided to take this class.

  15. Your post is very well done. You set a good scene that makes it easy to picture your day and your feelings on that day when that email came in. Good job!
